
David Coulthard Gets a Speeding Ticket In an F1 Car

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If you stick David Coulthard, winner of thirteen F1 grands prix in to an F1 car it’s a pretty safe bet that he’s going to go fast. That’s exactly what he did at a recent demonstration run that the Red Bull Racing team put on in Mumbai, India. Red Bull put down a hefty deposit for their event which closed off a section of roadway so Coulthard could really open things up and give the crowd a show.

Showing off for the 50,000 fans that showed up for the event Coulthard took part of the closed off route that went across the Rajiv Ghandi Sea Link. Normally the bridge carries a maximum speed limit of 62 miles per hour, and drops down to 31 miles per hour in a few parts. Closed off or not the Maharashtra State Road Development Corporation felt the speed limit must be obeyed and warned Red Bull not to exceed the speed limit. DC was clocked David at 162 MPH going across the bridge. In response to such blatant disregard for their speed limits:

“We respect David for helping put the Link on the global map. But he crossed the speed limit and we will have to recover the penalty. We will not return the organisers’ deposit,” said a senior MSRDC official.

The Red Bull organizers paid  Rs 35 lakh ($78,750) to the MSRDC, of which 14 lakh ($31,500) were held as a deposit. That makes for one jaw dropping speeding ticket!

I wonder what if they’ll take a plea in abeyance?

Enjoy some high res pictures of the event:

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